What we want to achieve.
Moonshot Thinking
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
When President John F. Kennedy said that, we didn’t know how to get to the moon but he challenged us to do it anyway. That is “moonshot thinking”. It is about changing the world. It is accepting the fact that we do not know how to do something yet, but we are going to do it anyway.
Our 10X Goals
The idea behind 10X goals is not to improve something by 10%. The goal is to improve something 10 times. To achieve that, you might have to start over. 10X goals require more than “thinking outside-the-box”. They require you to “rethink the box”.
These 10X Goals are what will help us achieve our vision for Alameda County.
Ensure the availability of diverse and affordable housing, health, and supportive services for all low-income residents with the goal of preventing and eliminating homelessness throughout Alameda County in partnership with local jurisdictions.
Housing Affordability and Accessibility
STRATEGY 1. Support provision of affordable housing to prevent and end homelessness.
Supportive Services
STRATEGY 2. Increase the availability and accessibility of health and supportive services to meet the needs of residents at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Land Use
STRATEGY 3. Maximize efficient land use through progressive policies and programs.
STRATEGY 4. Effectively and efficiently prevent homelessness for residents most at-risk across Alameda County.
Assure health for all Alameda County residents with a focus on equitable access to preventive and supportive services for low-income residents.
Healthy Community
STRATEGY 1. Ensure that all Alameda County residents live in healthy communities.
Environmental Health
STRATEGY 2. Assure public health through effective environmental protection.
Integrated Health Care Safety Net
STRATEGY 3. Strengthen physical and behavioral health safety net services and supports for low-income and underserved populations.
Community Readiness and Resilience
STRATEGY 4. Support community capacity, readiness, and resilience through rapid and effective incident response.
Data Sharing and Analytics
STRATEGY 5. Make data-informed decisions in the planning for health services and supports.
Deliver County services through a highly skilled, agile and responsive workforce and support full employment for Alameda County residents facing employment challenges.
Model Excellence
STRATEGY 1. Be a great place to work with a commitment to meeting the changing needs and interests of employees and the County.
Expand Opportunity
STRATEGY 2. Create meaningful employment opportunities for the hard to employ.
Prepare for the Future
STRATEGY 3. Foster entrepreneurship and innovation that leads to sustainable economic growth.
Apply an equity lens that is culturally and linguistically appropriate to reduce the impacts of poverty and hunger for all Alameda County residents.
Basic Needs
STRATEGY 1. Ensure eligible populations’ basic needs are met.
Access to Nutritional & Culturally Appropriate Food
STRATEGY 2. Provide access to equitable food systems.
Underserved Populations
STRATEGY 3. Enhance the safety, well-being and resiliency of underserved populations including immigrants.
Service Delivery
STRATEGY 4. Improve service delivery systems for the safety net.
Workforce Development
STRATEGY 5. Increase access to employment opportunities and job training programs for displaced workers and underserved populations.
Implement equitable and transparent criminal justice strategies that eliminate racial disparities and lead to a crime free county through responsive and innovative community engagement.
Community Safety
STRATEGY 1. Provide equitable and effective crime reduction strategies.
Victim/Survivor Support
STRATEGY 2. Ensure victims/survivors of crime are treated with respect, dignity, empathy, and provided effective support.
Systems Impacted and Reentry Support
STRATEGY 3. Provide the systems impacted and reentry community with the opportunities to become contributing and productive members of the society, acknowledging that reentry begins on day-one.
Criminal Justice Strategies
STRATEGY 4. Eliminate mass incarceration through investment in evidenced-based community justice alternatives.
Juvenile Justice
STRATEGY 5. Break the inter-generational cycle of violence and incarceration.
Emergency Management
STRATEGY 6. Deploy comprehensive and resilient emergency management system that strengthens the capacity to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all types of emergencies.
Implement smart, accessible and adaptive public infrastructure that enables the deployment of future technologies while optimizing the return on investments of existing infrastructure.
Accessibility & Mobility
STRATEGY 1. Provide accessible infrastructure that supports all modes of mobility.
Safety & Security
STRATEGY 2. Ensure infrastructure meets the highest safety and security standards.
Maintenance & Preservation
STRATEGY 3. Optimize the lifecycle of existing infrastructure through ongoing maintenance and preservation.
Smart Infrastructure
STRATEGY 4. Implement smart infrastructure.
Adaptive Infrastructure
STRATEGY 5. Promote the development of infrastructure that enables future technology.
Be Bothered By the Impossible
“You don’t spend your time being bothered that you can’t teleport from here to Japan, because there is a part of you that thinks it’s impossible. Moonshot thinking is choosing to be bothered by that.”
Astro Teller, computer scientist